Yesterday my husband and I were driving around together, running various errands. I mentioned a couple of times that I needed to go to the bank. I had a few checks in my wallet that needed to be deposited.
This afternoon when we were out again, I realized that I hadn't gone to the bank. At that moment, I didn't know if I forgot to go to the bank, or if I went to the bank and forgot that I had gone. I looked in my wallet for the checks and felt relieved to find them there. It somehow seemed worse for me to forget that I had gone to the bank, worse than forgetting to go. This seems like a new level of forgetfulness.
The good news is that I remember what a bank is, where my bank is, and how to deposit a check.
This afternoon when we were out again, I realized that I hadn't gone to the bank. At that moment, I didn't know if I forgot to go to the bank, or if I went to the bank and forgot that I had gone. I looked in my wallet for the checks and felt relieved to find them there. It somehow seemed worse for me to forget that I had gone to the bank, worse than forgetting to go. This seems like a new level of forgetfulness.
The good news is that I remember what a bank is, where my bank is, and how to deposit a check.
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